🧁肉桂早餐鬆餅 Cinnamon Breakfast Muffins
呢個係一個肉桂味嘅早餐鬆餅,入面有蘋果、紅蘿蔔、乾果同堅果等健康嘅食材,重點係佢幾乎唔甜,每個鬆餅得大概12克糖,唔夠含糖穀物入面嘅四分一,而且入面有出奇地多嘅新鮮胡蘿蔔同蘋果,一齊睇下點整啦! This is a cinnamon flavoured Breakfast Muffin f...
呢個係一個肉桂味嘅早餐鬆餅,入面有蘋果、紅蘿蔔、乾果同堅果等健康嘅食材,重點係佢幾乎唔甜,每個鬆餅得大概12克糖,唔夠含糖穀物入面嘅四分一,而且入面有出奇地多嘅新鮮胡蘿蔔同蘋果,一齊睇下點整啦! This is a cinnamon flavoured Breakfast Muffin f...
Phở is traditionally made with a strong beef broth, and normal vegetarian renditions which merely omit the meat taste bland and seriously lacking ...
Both my Chinese and Japanese grandma make zongzi (or chimaki in Japanese). Yet, they differ quite a bit. The ones made by my Japanese grandma are v...