🍪乾果燕麥曲奇 Oatmeal Raisins Cookies
🍪乾果燕麥曲奇 Oatmeal Raisins Cookies 今次呢個食譜係適合一家大細嘅健康食譜💡用蜂蜜取代糖、燕麥同埋全麥麵粉取代普通麵粉,想再健康啲嘅話可以用椰子油嚟取代無鹽牛油,加埋提子乾,可以令到呢款曲奇有更高嘅營養成份! This recipe is a healthy...
🍪乾果燕麥曲奇 Oatmeal Raisins Cookies 今次呢個食譜係適合一家大細嘅健康食譜💡用蜂蜜取代糖、燕麥同埋全麥麵粉取代普通麵粉,想再健康啲嘅話可以用椰子油嚟取代無鹽牛油,加埋提子乾,可以令到呢款曲奇有更高嘅營養成份! This recipe is a healthy...
天然甜味劑 Natural Sweetener: 提子乾可以用於食譜和小吃中,當作比精製糖更健康的替代品 They serve as a healthier alternative to refined sugars in recipes and snacks. 富含營養 Nu...
Fun fact about Raisins! 🍇🤩 Raisins are dried grapes, and the drying process concentrates their natural sugars, making them significantly sweeter th...