🥘斯里蘭卡牛肉椰奶咖喱 Sri Lankan Beef and Coconut Curry
如果你鍾意食咖喱,咁呢個正宗嘅斯里蘭卡牛肉咖喱你哋一定要試下😋用斯里蘭卡咖喱粉、牛肉同椰奶慢煮,味道濃郁又好味,配飯、印度烤餅一流!🤤 If you love curry, then this authentic Sri Lankan Beef Curry is a must try😋...
如果你鍾意食咖喱,咁呢個正宗嘅斯里蘭卡牛肉咖喱你哋一定要試下😋用斯里蘭卡咖喱粉、牛肉同椰奶慢煮,味道濃郁又好味,配飯、印度烤餅一流!🤤 If you love curry, then this authentic Sri Lankan Beef Curry is a must try😋...
🥘西班牙海鮮飯 Paella 西班牙海鮮飯係西班牙最受歡迎同最出名嘅菜餚之一,因為佢充滿西班牙風味,仲可以根據您手頭的材料嚟調整味道,一齊嚟睇下點整啦! Paella is one of the most loved and well-known dishes of Spain, and ...
🥘牛油雞 Butter Chicken🍗 What is it about butter chicken (or murgh makhani in Hindi) that makes it loved by children and adults alike? It is like a b...